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Public ownership of rail assets
An RTBU resolution supporting the continued public ownership of the Australian Rail Track Corporation was passed unanimously at by the ALP National Conference.
Read More >Nanva elected as ACTU Vice President
The RTBU has its first-ever elected official on the top table of the ACTU - the peak body for the union movement in Australia - after National Secretary Bob Nanva was elected as one of the ACTU's Vice Presidents.
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SA: Genessee & Wyoming bring track maintenance in-house
Outsourcing might be all the rage in the rail industry, but one company at least is going the other way – with Genessee & Wyoming Australia (GWA) in South Australia bringing track maintenance in-house.
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Labor backs Truth in Bargaining
The RTBU's campaign for Truth in Bargaining received a huge boost at the ALP National Conference when Labor endorsed Truth in Bargaining as part of its policy platform for the next Federal election.
Read More >Putting rail safety first
Labor’s policy position on rail safety has been strengthened after the National Conference endorsed an RTBU amendment relating to the National Rail Safety Regulator's policy position on rail safety has been strengthened after the National Conference endorsed an RTBU amendment relating to the National Rail Safety Regulator.

Investing in public transport
Labor has again endorsed Federal Government investment into public transport projects, drawing a clear distinction between the ALP and the Coalition on transport policy.