The Rail Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) is the voice of workers in Australia’s rail and public transport industries. With around 35,000 members, our Union is open to anyone who works in light rail, passenger rail, freight rail, or on publicly-operated bus networks. We cover train and bus drivers, station staff, cleaners, train controllers, track maintenance workers and many others who work in our industries.
The objective of our Union is to ‘organise workers in the transport industry to protect and build their rights at work’. We achieve this by:
- organising our sector of the transport industry;
- working to continuously improve and maintain high workplace safety standards for workers and the travelling public;
- ensuring every worker is treated with dignity and respect in their workplace;
- collectively bargaining for wages and conditions that reflect the skills and contribution workers make to the transport industry and the economy;
- delivering industrial, legal and advocacy services to members;
- educating delegates and workplace activists; and
- campaigning in the community on transport issues.