Honorary Life Members

The Rail, Tram and Bus Union was created on 28 February 1993 through the amalgamation of four of Australia’s oldest unions:

  • the Australian Railways Union (ARU);
  • the Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen (AFULE);
  • the National Union of Railway Workers (NURWA);and
  • the Australian Tramway and Motor Omnibus Employees Association (ATMOEA).

Initially called the Public Transport Union (PTU), the Union changed its name to the Australian Rail, Tram and Bus  Industry Union (RTBU) on 1 March 1998.

The RTBU can confer Life Membership on individuals who have made a significant and meritorious contribution to the Union over an extended period of time.

 According to the RTBU Union rules:

The National Council, the National Executive, a Branch Council or a Branch Executive may confer Honorary Life Membership on any member who has given meritorious service to the Union and its members. Such Life Membership shall commence on and from that member's retirement, resignation or cessation of eligibility to remain a member.

We pay tribute to the following Life Members of the modern RTBU (who have received Life Membership since the formation of the amalgamated Union.)


Name Branch Year Awarded
Ray Bousen QLD 1992
Brian Olm QLD 1992
Roy Patterson QLD 1992
Martin Tyrrell QLD 1992
Eric Crappa QLD 1994
John Young VIC 1994
Basil Finnigan VIC 1994
George Zangalis VIC 1996
Michael Overend VIC 1996
Les Roser QLD 1996
Les Brown QLD 1997
David Thomas NSW 1997
Peter McMorrow NSW 1997
Kevin O’Neill NSW 1997
Rex Sorby NSW 1997
Darryll Griffiths NSW 1997
Ken Stapleton NSW 1997
Ernst Harrison NSW 1997
Mervyn Morgan NSW 1997
Alan Bambrick QLD 1998
Dick (Brian) Barton QLD 1998
Noel McCool QLD 1998
Clive Vickery QLD 1998
Harold Dwyer NSW 1998
Louie Cavaliere NSW 1998
Robert (Bob) Scott NSW 1998
Dave Thomas NSW 1998
Kevin Carter NSW 1998
Bob Wyatt NSW 1998
John Crossing NAT 1998
Bernie O’Neill NSW 1998
Malcolm Lees NSW 1998
Kevin McCarroll NSW 1998
Sam Branciforte VIC 1998
Hector Cama VIC 1998
Des Fitzpatrick TAS  1998
James Dean NSW 1999
John Dean NSW 1999
Terrence Peter Bourke VIC 2000
Dennis Williamson QLD 2000
Rodolfo Favale NSW 2000
Darrell Spillane NSW 2000
Ken Crisp QLD 2001
Brian Doonan QLD 2001
Stan Jansen QLD 2001
John Schacht QLD 2001
Nelson Smith QLD 2001
Michael Nicols NSW 2001
Lyle Orreal NSW 2001
Don McKechnie NSW 2001
Les Crofton QLD 2002
Jason O'Brien QLD 2002
Alan Thompson QLD 2002
Terry Quinn NSW 2002
William (Bill) McLeod NSW 2002
Les Crofton NAT 2002
Reg Grace NSW 2002
Ken Sutherland NSW 2002
Trevor Campbell QLD 2003
Sandy (Alexander) Stewart QLD 2003
Bob Plain NSW 2003
Ken Sullivan NSW 2003
Lyle Barlow QLD 2004
Alan Boatfield QLD 2004
Ray Ferguson QLD 2004
Tom Morris QLD 2004
Andrew Baker NSW 2004
Walter Hurst NSW 2004
John Patterson NSW 2004
Bill Harris NSW 2004
Arthur Heathcote NSW 2004
George Chambers VIC 2004
Reg Cameron VIC 2004
Howard Handley VIC 2004
Graham Ross VIC 2004
O. Lanza VIC 2004
Joe Sibberas VIC 2004
Rocco Ambrogio QLD 2005
Keith Coffey VIC 2005
Kevin Deasy QLD 2005
Warren Williams QLD 2005
Phillip Parsons SA/NT 2005
John Jahangiri SA/NT 2005
Tony Tobin NSW 2005
Bill Bourke QLD 2006
Mick Bold NSW 2006
Tony Hamilton NSW 2006
Dave Guy QLD 2007
Bob Christison WA 2007
Leslie Jarrett SA/NT 2007
Bill Chaffey NSW 2007
Robert Yates SA/NT 2007
Ron Mallet QLD 2008
John McCarthy QLD 2008
Bruce Matthews NSW 2008
Peter Jenkins NSW 2008
Graham Bennett NSW 2008
Peter Corby NSW 2008
Alan Gordon VIC 2008
Ray Hancox  SA/NT 2009
John Crossing (pos) SA/NT 2009
Paul Collins NSW 2009
Tony Bennett QLD 2010
Nick Lewocki NSW 2010
Lou Di Gregorio VIC 2011
Dennis Ellis QLD 2011
Ray Horn QLD 2011
Donald Williams NSW 2011
Lou Di Gregorio NAT 2011
Jim Egerton QLD 2012
Dallas Kriss NSW 2012
Michael Schmitzer NSW 2012
Gerard O'Keef VIC 2012
Nigel Hawke QLD 2013
Graham Klein QLD 2013
Brian Knight QLD 2013
Kevin Nolan QLD 2013
Don Previtera QLD 2013
Brian Warren QLD 2013
David Yelland SA/NT 2013
Paul Collimore NSW 2013
Ibrahim (Ben) Nimerawi NSW 2013
Rodney Short NSW 2013
John Aquilina NSW 2013
Ashley Waddell SA/NT 2013
Ben Commandeur VIC 2013
Robert (Bob) Proctor NSW 2014
Trevor Dobbyn VIC 2014
Doug Brady VIC  2014
Terry Sheedy VIC 2014
John Wilson TAS 2014
Lindsay Bounds VIC 2015
David Snelgrove VIC 2015
Graham McNeil VIC 2015
Ian Wyllie NSW 2015
Shirley Bates SA/NT 2015
Tommy Jones TAS 2015
Greg Talbot QLD 2016
Roger Jowett NAT 2016
Michael Farhat NSW 2017
Terry Missingham NSW 2017
Chris Doyle NSW 2017
Phil Barnett VIC 2018
Keith (James) Simmons QLD 2018
Mark Thompson NSW 2018
Hristos Tsirkas VIC 2019
Gregory Jordan QLD 2019
Neville Cowie VIC 2019
Bob Nanva NAT 2019
Josie Burke QLD 2020
Ross Schimke QLD 2020
Barry Watts WA 2020
John Olding WA 2020
Allan Barden NAT 2021
Owen Doogan QLD 2021
Jean “John” Thelemaque VIC 2021
Peter Coffey SA/NT 2021
Russell Ashdown QLD 2022
William (Bill) Simmons QLD 2022
Graeme Filcock WA 2022
Stephen Boyd WA 2022
Nigel Foden TAS 2023
Mick Kavanagh SA/NT 2023
Helen Martin WA 2024
Bryan Williamson NSW  
Dave Kerin VIC