Truth in Bargaining
Big business cannot always be trusted to play fair or tell the truth. That's why the RTBU is leading the push to force companies to be honest and transparent when negotiating new enterprise agreements with their workers.
Read moreA Fair Go for Transport Workers
Decent pay, safe working conditions, and access to high-quality training are some of the most important issues facing transport workers.
Read moreSecure Work
One in four Australian employees – over 2 million workers – are casual employees, with no job security and no right to paid leave, even when they get sick. Australia has one of the highest rates of casual employment in the developed world.
Read moreFare's Fair
The underlying principle for charging public transport use in Australian cities is that the longer you travel, the more you pay.
Read moreRail to Badgerys Creek
A modern airport needs modern land transport connections. That's why there must be a rail link to the new Western Sydney Airport.
Read morePacific National EA 2016
Keep up to date with the latest news regarding the Pacific National Enterprise Agreement negotiations for Intermodal Train Crew, NSW Bulk and NSW Coal.
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