Your Bus. My Office. Our Safety
The Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) and Metro Tasmania have joined forces in an Australian-first public awareness campaign to promote respect and understanding on Tasmania’s bus network.

The campaign has seen posters displayed on buses across the State along with social media promotions.
RTBU Tasmania Secretary Sam Simonetis said a little respect and understanding goes a long way when it comes to safety on public transport.
“A happy bus is also a safe bus,” Ms Simonetis said.
“For most people, buses are an affordable, convenient and environmentally-friendly way to get from Point A to Point B.
"But for our members, the bus is their office. Bus drivers already have to contend with road conditions and other motorists – so considerate and helpful passengers can make their jobs a lot easier.
"Tasmanian commuters have a reputation for being polite, but it only takes one thoughtless person, whether it’s a passenger or a motorist, to cause a distraction.
"In the end, drivers and passengers are all on the bus together – and that’s why it’s so important for everyone to be respectful and considerate at all times."
”Metro Tasmania CEO Megan Morse said the campaign aimed to make people think about the role of bus drivers, and understand the pressures that bus drivers face every day.
“Metro Tasmania will be displaying campaign posters on the majority of our fleet state-wide, and we’re delighted to be working collaboratively to spread the word.
“Our drivers are members of the community, and they perform an important public service in Hobart, Launceston and the North West Coast.”
Ms Simonetis said the RTBU would continue talking with Metro Tasmania about other ways to make the bus network as safe as possible for both workers and passengers, and to encourage more people to use public transport.
“We’re confident other bus companies will look at the cooperative approach we’re pioneering here in Tasmania and see how employers, bus drivers and commuters can work together to help build a respectful public transport culture.”