The Tasmanian Liberal Party’s belated discovery of public transport is a welcome step forward, according to the Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU).
Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) Tasmanian State Secretary Ric Bean today said the Liberal Party’s commitment of $81.5 million over four years would help bring Tasmania’s under-resourced bus network up to speed.
“Funding for bus shelters, priority lanes, park and ride facilities and new buses is desperately needed
“This is a good start – but we still need to see more detail about how these proposals will be rolled out
“Investing in public transport is the best value-for-money solution to the growing traffic congestion problems in Tasmania’s major cities.
“There is one significant hole in the policy though: the need to employ more bus drivers.
“Buses don’t drive themselves. There will need to be more drivers working in order to meet the demand for extra services, especially at peak hours.”
Justifiably cynical
Mr Bean said commuters would be justifiably cynical about the Liberal Party’s policy announcement, given its chronic failure to deliver on past promises.
“The community hasn’t forgotten the Liberal Party’s pledge to deliver a new bus interchange for the Hobart CBD in 2018.
“It’s also gone quiet on the key issue of the future of light rail.
“The pressure is now on Labor to meet and exceed the Liberal Party’s commitment to public transport.
“Labor has committed to forming a Passenger Task Force, but we need to see the colour of its money when it comes to improving better bus services.”