Fix My Ride Petition

Sick of being stuck in a traffic jam, or trapped in a crowded train?  Frustrated that Governments can find billions to spend new roads but continually forget about our railways?

Sign the petition: tell Australia’s politicians to invest in rail and public transport and #FixMyRide.

Fix_My_Ride_1080.jpgInvestment in rail and public transport is essential to reducing transport congestion, improving safety on our roads, and boosting the productivity of our economy.

If the Federal Government can find billions of dollars for roads, then it can, and should, fund rail and public transport as well.

Public transport doesn't run on selfies, it's time Federal politicians backed rail and public transport.

I support greater Federal Government investment in rail and public transport.

Who's signing

Luisa Gapac
Shreeya Luthra
Rima Tawil
Mark Clarke
Anthony Mardesich
D Middlemiss
Khamel Pesce
Tony Brook
Jill Biddington
Bastiaan Van Impe
Isaac Ball
Roger Jowett
Salman Lodhi
Doug Erskine
Steve Lourey
Chris doyle
Michael Bizant
Andrew Wells
Judy McCarthy
Robert Schroeder
Ken Chapman
Dean Jones
Colin Waring
Mark Dunsby
Jeffrey Addison
1,000 signatures

Will you sign?

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