Public transport workers will continue the fight to keep Adelaide’s tram network in public hands, despite the announcement of the South Australian Government’s chosen private operator.
Minister for Transport Stephan Knoll today announced that Torrens Connect - a Joint Venture between Torrens Transit, UGL Rail Services and John Holland - had been chosen to run the tram network for eight years, commencing on 1 July 2020.
“The people of South Australia know a dud deal when they see it, and this is a complete stinker,” said RTBU SA/NT Secretary Darren Phillips.
“We know from the experience interstate and overseas that private operators seek to maximise their profits by reducing costs wherever they can.
“Inevitably that means cuts to services and safety.”
Mr Phillips said it was extraordinary that the State Government could enter into a long-term contract for the private operation of a public service without even presenting a business case to justify the decision.
“The Marshall State Government has failed to meet the most basic and fundamental standards of governance.
“These days you can’t even get a loan to set up a fish and chip shop without doing a thorough business case.
“It is clear that the Marshall Government cannot be trusted to manage public assets and services.
“The tram network is a vital community asset that belongs to the people of South Australia, not to Steven Marshall.”