Put Transport Into the Fast Lane

Australian transport networks are slow, congested, expensive to use and falling apart.

That’s having an impact of productivity, jobs and the amount of time we can all spend with family and friends.

We need comprehensive plan to deliver faster, safer, better transport – for both people and freight.

At this Federal election, Vote 1 for candidates who will put transport into the fast lane.


Put Transport Into the Fast Lane

Transport workers have had enough.  They are demanding action to make our transport networks, safer, cheaper and more effective.  They also want to see more good, secure jobs in the rail and public transport industries.

You can show support for our campaign by signing the Fast Lane petition here.



The Fast Lane Pledge

The RTBU is asking Federal election candidates to endorse a pledge committing to action on better public transport and freight networks.

You can download a copy of the pledge here: Fast Lane Candidate's Pledge.

All Federal election candidates who wish to endorse the pledge can email confirmation, and a photo, to the RTBU National Office at rtbu[at]rtbu.org.au

Supportive candidates will be listed below and featured on RTBU social media pages.





Candidate Seat  
Terri Butler (ALP) Griffith
Patrick Deegan (ALP) PAGE
Julie Collins MP (ALP) FRANKLIN
Ross Hart (ALP) BASS
Brian Mitchell (ALP) LYONS
Simon Davis (ALP) CLARK
Donisha Duff (ALP) BOWMAN
Louise Miller-Frost (ALP) BOOTHBY
Tony Zappia (ALP) MAKIN
Penny Wong (ALP) SENATE (SA)
Dr Anne Aly (ALP) COWAN
Tom French (ALP) MOORE
Anne Urquhart (ALP) SENATE (TAS)
Chris Lynch (ALP) BRADDON
Chetan Sahai (Greens) SYDNEY
Linda White (ALP) SENATE (VIC)

Daniel Hulme (ALP)

Lisa Chesters (ALP) BENDIGO
Matt Burnell (ALP) SPENCE
Amanda Hunt (ALP) CANNING
Sharon Claydon (ALP)


Ali France (ALP)


Dr Gordon Reid (ALP)


Anthony Chisholm (ALP)


Penny Allman-Payne (Greens)


Rebecca Fanning (ALP)


Tracey Roberts (ALP)


Simon Earle (ALP)


Kate Rainbird (ALP)


Senator Murray Watt (ALP)


Madonna Jarrett (ALP)


Sally Sitou (ALP) 


Jenny McAllister (ALP)



Campaign Media

RTBU Media Release: Australians pay for Morrison's Stupidity Tax

The Wire: What's driving inflation in the transport sector?

The Wire: Petrol prices highlight need for better public transport

Melbourne Rail Loop to ease congestion

Will Morrison derail the Gold Coast Light Rail?

RTBU calls for Gold Coast Light Rail support